Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Letter to the Editor: Elections have consequences

The Guest Editorial by Mayor Dale Davis asks the question, “Is the ambulance tax district a good idea for our community?” I do not think he answered his question.

What I and, I will guess, 99 percent of the folks in this area, want is for an ambulance to arrive when we need one within the shortest time and with the right equipment and sufficient, adequately trained personnel to attend my needs and transport me to a medical facility that can treat me. For years, the Whitehall Ambulance folks did a great job at this. They also brought a very significant amount of money into the Town of Whitehall’s operating funds.

The Whitehall Ambulance was totally under the control of the Town of Whitehall’s management. They ran the show, made all the decisions and enjoyed all the profits. For whatever reason, this management team destroyed their operation. Was it all their fault? I do not know but they were the folks in charge and like any other business, they bear the responsibility of their failure. Sadly, when a division of government fails, the folks responsible get to pass the cost on to their taxpayers and residents.

Since the Whitehall Ambulance service fell apart and could not meet the needs of the community a new group formed that filled the void. This new group has been operating for many months and seems to be doing a great job. If this new group needs a special tax district to furnish a few dollars and local management, us local folks would be in error not to support it. We do need a locally controlled, reliable ambulance service.

I am sorry that the Town of Whitehall finds itself in a bind but, as the saying goes, “ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES”.

Connie Sims



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