Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

A fond farewell to a dreamer who brought that dream into reality

In 1956 Roy Millegan and his wife, Vera, came to Whitehall. Roy worked for the Farmer's Home Administration as the County Supervisor stationed in Whitehall, for Jefferson, Madison, Beaverhead and Silver Bow Counties. He then completed his career

in 1981 as the District Supervisor out of Great Falls. Vera was busy working for Dr. Morris, the local dentist, and for Al Feldsheim at the Dry Cleaners. She shared her love of music and talent as a pianist and organist with the community. For 63 years they have worked together to build a meaningful and fruitful life. They now face a new chapter as they head to Nevada.

After Roy retired he began to search the old Whitehall papers at the Montana Historical Society. This journey would take him into a 35 year quest to capture the history of this part of the west. In 1984 the local newspaper asked him to write articles on that history. He did so following in the wake of Hugh Mosier, Dorothy Brooke and Mary Jackson who had previously recorded those stories.

In 1990 Whitehall celebrated its 100th Anniversary. It was then that the dream was born of a building to house the amazing history of this area. The committee began the arduous task of compiling the list of things to do and on July 1, 1992, Basil and Tene Brooke donated the building and land to this dream. Then the real work began....the cleaning....rebuilding....collecting and recording the many artifacts that the local community was so eager to contribute to the story. In 1996 the Jefferson Valley Museum threw open their doors. To date almost 10,000 artifacts have been recorded, innumerable pictures have been computerized, an obituary file has been expanded into a genealogy file and five new buildings (the John Jardine, Farm Equipment, work shed, Gilstrap's Blacksmith Shop from the So. Boulder and the three-holer outhouse) and a new annex have been added.

For many years now, the volunteer staff members have recorded visitors from each of the 50 states, from Canada, Mexico and Europe. Conducted tours are given of the Military Room, Kitchen, Doctor's Room, Music Room, Railroad Room and all rooms in between.

But it is time for the Millegans to move on, to explore the history contained within other areas. On Friday, August 19th, a party was thrown to honor Roy and Vera and to celebrate the culmination of the dream. Roy, Jr. volunteered that he was always amazed at how much his Dad travelled to explore other museums and to meet with their staff to obtain information. He continued that it was interesting and exciting when ideas began coming together like selling the "Friends Board Walk" to raise money and to include the names of those involved in the story.

Those in attendance took a moment from sharing laughter, stories and tears to test the cake by Lorie Carey and the delicious cupcakes made by Tara Tebay.

Janet Brooke was delighted to see that the old dairy barn had been made into a handsome building full of wonderful things where people could come to visit. She laughingly remembered the cows and horses that used to roam through the area.

Her brother, Tom, added that it was special to see how his Dad, Basil, and Roy had become good friends through their sharing many hours of labor in this area. He remembered once his Dad had gotten the truck stuck when he was irrigating the field and Roy took a moment from his work to help pull him out.

Old friends and new gathered together that day to celebrate the dream and to say thank you to the driving force – Roy Millegan.

"Tap 'er Light!" Roy and Vera.


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