Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Senior center fundraiser slated for September 30

A Fall Festival Haystack Dinner is set for next week in Whitehall.

The Whitehall Senior Center fundraising event is slated for Friday, September 30 from 4 to 7 p.m.

Senior Center Director Mary Gusitn said they try to do a fundraiser once a year, and stressed the importance of the event. Gustin said they use money for things like utility bills and repairs.

“It really helps the keep the center going,” she said.

In the past, the center has done a Sweetheart Breakfast, but Gustin said with the Haystack Dinner they are trying something new.

Gustin likened the event to an Amish type festival. She said the menu for this year’s dinner will allow those in attendance to make a big taco salad, and will also feature cake and pie.

There is no cost to attend the dinner, but Gustin said donations are really appreciated. She said they can make as much or more money by asking for donations rather than charging residents to attend. Proceeds from the event will also be given to the local food pantry, and the VA.


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