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Editorial: Great decision by Whitehall School Board

At a meeting last week, the Whitehall School Board of Trustees voted to rehire K-5 Principal Britt McLean and 6-12 Principal Hannah Nieskens.

Prior to the vote, Superintendent John Sullivan lauded the two administrators and recommended them both for rehire. While it was certainly not a surprise, it was a great decision by the Board. The two are both assets to the not only the school, but the community.

They are different in personality, but it is very obvious they both care about the students, teachers, staff and community. They both have the title of Principal, but there is often time a night and day difference between dealing with a student who is in first grade compared to one who is a senior. The two administrators are the perfect fit to deal with the age group in their school. McLean always seems to be smiling and takes a great interest in the students. His positivity is a boon for the district. He cares and you can see that day in and day out.

Since arriving in the district last year, Nieskens has done an amazing job. Her attention to detail is second to none. I’m sure it’s not easy dealing with teenagers all the time, but she does it with class. She has brought many new ideas that have benefited the district, and I think we have only seen the start of those.

They both have a passion for their job and this benefits Whitehall.

A few months ago, the Board also decided to renew a contract for Sullivan. This once again was a great decision. I really don’t think people get a true understanding of how hard Sullivan works for the district. His vehicle is in the parking lot very early in the morning and he often times stays late. He works throughout the year, and in the summer can be found helping painting or repairing tennis courts. He does his job with passion and sets a high standard for the other employees in the district.

The three top administrators are doing an amazing job, and combined with a great staff, and a Board of Trustees who care deeply about the district – the future should be very bright.


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