Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Principal's Principles

Whew! That is about all I can say about how fast this year has flown past. I cannot believe that we are already in May. This is a very busy time of year in the school realm. We are finishing up with testing and grade-level curriculum, the kids have their field trips throughout the month, the Elementary Spring Concert is on the 16th at 7:00 pm, our K-5 track meet is coming up on the 22nd starting at 10:00 am, (weather permitting) and by the end of the month we are out of school. (June 1st)

I absolutely cannot stand it when I am a day ahead in my mind, it just seems to make the week drag on longer and longer. (Which Cindy just reminded me of as well!!) This is how my week has been so far. I woke up this morning thinking it was Wednesday when in all actuality it is Tuesday. It also seems like when this happens, it happens to be one of the busiest weeks that it can happen. I know I am not the only one with this problem, but it is the little things like this that make me laugh at life.

So many times as we try to perform our best in any circumstance, we forget to take a step back and remember to just breathe. It is important to take life with a grain of salt at times and encourage your mind to rest. It is equally important to have structure and be goal driven, as we strive to achieve these goals we expect profession and results immediately. Remember to give it some time to develop and you will be happier in the end.

Thanks for reading.

Mr. McLean


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