Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

County Commission Update

Hi Folks,

I didn’t make it to our regular meeting last week, but Bob and Cory only dealt with a couple of items on the agenda. They canceled the taxes on a few mobile homes that are no longer functional and where we would have no opportunity to ever collect the back taxes. They also approved Resolution 39-2017 which cancels outstanding county warrants.

I won’t be able to make our meeting this week either. I will be at a training session in Butte about Tax Increment Financing Districts.

One of the items on the agenda for this week’s regular meeting will be the creation of a Trails and Recreation Advisory Board. We will then be advertising for folks to serve on the Board from several different Interest Groups. Ultimately, this Board will be on the front lines to help guide Forest Service decisions as they move forward with travel planning discussions. When you see the ads, please take a few minutes to think about how you might fit in and help determine how the Public Lands in Jefferson County are utilized in the future.

FYI: From Annie Oakley; “I ain’t afraid to love a man. I ain’t afraid to shoot him either!”


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