Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Work wrapping up on MT HWY 55

This week the Whitehall South Roadway Improvements project begins its final stage. The final roadway striping is currently scheduled to begin on MT 55 on Thursday, July 25 and is expected to take two to three days.

The traveling public can expect delays up to 15 minutes, reduced speeds of 35 mph, and pilot cars and flaggers.

This work completes the Whitehall South Roadway Improvements project which began in 2018 with the goal to decrease the potential for crashes on MT 55.

Safety improvements engineered to decrease crashes on MT 55 include roadway widening which will improve maneuverability for motorists and increase safety for cyclists and shoulder users;

• new alignment which will create safer angles and improve line-of-sight, centerline and shoulder rumble strips which alert drivers who are leaving the roadway or crossing the center line and updated roadway surfaces.

In addition, an updated bridge at Pipestone Creek was installed last year.

"The Montana Department of Transportation would like to thank the community of Whitehall for your support and patience during this project," said Bill Fogarty, MDT's Butte District Construction Supervisor. "We are working hard to make your commute safer and appreciate everyone working with us as we improve MT 55."


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