Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Horoscopes: Week of 10/13/2021

ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20

There may be a lot of visitors in your life lately, Aries. You might need to play host at work or at home. Keep the mood light and enjoy this chance to reconnect.

TAURUS Apr 21/May 21

Taurus, this week you may be feeling a little on edge and you won’t be able to pinpoint why. Put yourself into quiet situations where you can unwind and decompress.

GEMINI May 22/Jun 21

Gemini, you may need a break from the pressures of your life, especially if you’ve felt tired or strained lately. Too much focus on responsibilities can do that.

CANCER Jun 22/Jul 22

You have quite the gift of gab when you feel comfortable with someone, Cancer. Just be sure to come up for air and let the other party get a word in edgewise .

LEO Jul 23/Aug 23

Leo, pay attention to psychic impressions this week as things that seem random may actually be telling you something. Don’t hesitate to lean on others for their interpretations.

VIRGO Aug 24/Sept 22

Virgo, you may get a call from someone this week that catches you off guard. The conversation may prove inspiring and open doors to new opportunities.

LIBRA Sept 23/Oct 23

Libra, you may be quick to dismiss insights that come your way via a hunch or a feeling. You tend to value logic, but go with your gut on this.

SCORPIO Oct 24/Nov 22

Scorpio, you have a plan and it includes new friends, a new attitude and a new location. It may take you a little while to achieve all of this, but remain patient and focused.


Sagittarius, you love to experiment with new ideas and discover new people. You will be excited to find yourself in a burgeoning romance. Enjoy the ride.

CAPRICORN Dec 22/Jan 20

Capricorn, double-check all of the numbers in your budget because you want to be sure you are accounting for every penny. This isn’t a time to estimate.

AQUARIUS Jan 21/Feb 18

Confusing signs could be coming from friends or coworkers, Aquarius. Don’t be afraid to seek some clarity. Others will appreciate your honesty.

PISCES Feb 19/Mar 20

Communication is the name of the game this week, Pisces. It may come in the form of a speech, email or even a handwritten letter.


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