Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 3/9/2022

I just helped a friend move out of his house... libraries must be the heaviest buildings in the world.

We are very lucky that mosquitoes cannot carry rabies.

The voice in your head is an amazing singer.

We laugh at other countries and groups of people for falling victim to misinformation, but we never think about what we might have fallen for and still don’t know about.

The idea that a business won’t survive without good marketing was probably good marketing by marketing businesses marketing the need for


Hash Browns are nothing more than socially acceptable breakfast French Fries.

Penguins are the least bird-like birds, while bats are the most bird-like non-birds.

Vultures are more eco-friendly than vegan when it comes to eating.

Muscle memory is responsible for a lot of forgotten passwords.

The most powerful people are those who control themselves, not others.

You never hear of someone being illegally blind.

A person who remembers your phone number/email probably cares about you a lot.

Wireless earbuds have probably helped people who wear hearing aids feel less self-conscious.

Respecting others shouldn’t involve disrespecting yourself.

There is a point in your 20s when you go from trying to act older than you actually are to trying to act younger than you actually are.

The most delicious animal ever to exist probably went extinct millions of years before we got the chance to taste it.

Insects & bugs try to live rent-free in our homes, but the price of eviction is usually death.

Nothing is more important in life than peace of mind.

No one can ever know for sure if they have an original thought.

Yоu knоw уou’re gеtting оld whеn sоmеоne is giving уоu frее sаmрles оf things tо hеlр уоu роор.

If gas prices keep going up, speeding (with a gas engine) will become a luxury and a display of income status.

Men’s One A Day gummies require two gummies per one serving.


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