Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 4/20/2022

Super bright headlights have probably caused more accidents than their increased driver visibility has helped to avoid.

The tallest person in the world has physically experienced being the exact height of every other person in the world at some point.

Lying on a trillion grains of sand feels better than lying on sheets with 3 grains of sand on it.

If you work on a farm and your job is to take care of chickens, you are a chicken tender.

The dirtier the mind is, the cleaner the browser history is.

After all these years, they still never told us how to get to Sesame Street.

Common sense isn’t common anymore.

The purpose of a lock is to turn a door into a wall.

A tragic death can change your whole perspective on life.

Why aren’t coconuts considered mammals? They do produce milk and have fur.

Many people work more than they sleep.

If you’ve never had cheesecake it probably sounds really gross.

Many of the people we consider friends, we won’t get along with if they are our boss.

Starfish have legs on their arms.

A three-year-old dog probably has more social awareness than a three-year-old human.

There’s a chance you’ve seen an officially undiscovered animal without realizing it.

We use X more in math problems than in actual sentences.

Flying is the real off-roading.

As the Earth is round, the definition of the Eastern/Western world is completely arbitrary.

Immortality will probably have a renewable subscription.


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