Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

County Commission Update

Hi Folks,

Last week we met with Road Supervisor Rory Parsons for his weekly update. We are scheduled to get another several thousand yards of millings off the Interstate between Basin and Boulder this summer. We will have several miles of roads that we will be able to hard surface in the Boulder area. We are looking at also putting millings on Capp Lane. The State would then use that as a detour while the new bridge is put in across Pipestone Creek.

We also met with Candice Bell, our Solid Waste Manager. We are looking at having three separate meeting in various parts of the County to get input about options for the Solid Waste Program. These meeting would probably be the end of May or first part of June. Our tipping fees to dispose of the waste are rising way faster than the revenue from new users. Some options that might be considered would be to cut back on services, like how often the sites are open, raising rates, putting in scales, privatizing, or some combination.

During our regular meeting we gave Preliminary Plat approval to the Ridge Minor Subdivision near Clancy. We also gave tentative approval to look at hiring a recreation liaison to represent the County with Federal and State agencies. Recreation could become a huge part of Jefferson County’s overall economy in the coming years, so we would like to be proactive in helping to guide our future.

FYI: Just a reminder, I’m usually at my office in Bordon’s on Monday mornings. I don’t make it every Monday, but do most of them. The 3rd Thursday of the month is usually pretty busy. This past Thursday was typical. I started out at 6:30 having breakfast at Legends, then attended the Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) meeting at Bordon’s. We share a lot of information about happenings in the Town, School, and Golden Sunlight. At 8:00 is the Community Transition Advisory Committee (CTAC) meeting, where we learn about what is going on with Golden Sunlight and share with them what is going on in the community. At 9:30 I attended the Local Emergency Preparedness Committee (LEPC). That meeting moves around to different parts of the County every month. I also met with the wind developers for a couple of hours. I talked with the folks doing the bridge on Kountz Road across the Pipestone. It looks really good and the water flow has really improved. MRL has also cleaned out the railroad bridge.


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