Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

County Commission Update

Hi Folks,

Last Tuesday after we reviewed claims at 9:30, we met with Road Supervisor, Rory Parsons for his weekly update. The Whitehall crew has finished redecking the Williams Bridge. Parrot Castle Road is having some issues but it seems to be getting better. We also met with Public Health Nurse Karen Wandel. We spent some time going over financials for some of the grants she deals with.

At our regular meeting, our new Events Coordinator, Bruce Binkowski, gave us an update on what he has been doing and presented us with some options to consider for promoting Frontier Days in Whitehall and the Fair and Rodeo in Boulder. Bruce was able to locate three billboards that we could utilize for about 30 days each, one on each side of Boulder and one East of Whitehall.

The Safety Fair at the Community Center in Whitehall last Thursday was a great event and well attended.

It is great fun to watch some of those kids when they get to have hands on experiences with some of the venders.

Saturday I got to welcome a group of Legislators and their families and some other folks to a Legislative ATV fun ride that staged out of the Fair Grounds in Boulder. It was a great opportunity to showcase some of the recreational opportunities in Jefferson County.

I had a couple of folks stop in at my office in Bordon’s on Monday morning to visit. The bridge on Kountz Road should be open to traffic soon. The sewer project for Sugar Beet Row should began this Tuesday.

FYI: Ronald Reagan, “Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.”


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