Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

County Commission Update

Hi Folks,

At last week’s regular meeting, we approved a Large Group Function Permit for Rockin’ the Rivers, contingent on the Sanitarian giving her final approval. We decided to purchase a building on Main Street in Boulder that is owned by Goldfields mining and Montana Tunnels. The cost of the building will be used to offset some of the delinquent taxes that are owed from Montana Tunnels. We voted to put a lot that we acquired on tax deed in Basin several years ago up for sale. The lot will be appraised and then put in the paper to take bids.

We talked about some of the funding options that may be available for putting the utilities across the Interstate for a new Rest Area at the Boulder interchange. There seems to be several options available to help with the funding. We are going to discuss this issue at our next two meetings and then make a final decision on whether to proceed at our meeting on July 25th. We approved Resolution 22-2017 which distributed the Metalliferous Mine License Tax to county funds and several School Districts. We also did Resolution 23-2017 to authorize the County to submit an application for a TSEP planning grant to look at the operations of the solid Waste program.

FYI: Greek philosopher Aristotle, (384-322 B.C.); “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it”.


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