Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Teen Super Bowl Party planned at Star Theater

Local High School and junior high students will have the opportunity to enjoy the 2018 Super Bowl in a safe and chemical free environment.

The Jefferson County DUI Task Force is hosting a Super Bowl Party for Whitehall and Cardwell students in grades 6-12. The free of charge event will take place in the Whitehall Star Theater on February 4 starting at 4 p.m.

“It is very important for the youth in this county to have available wholesome and safe chemical free events. From the commercials to home parties, this has become one of biggest drinking times in this country. So it is always beneficial for youth to experience fun with their peers without a substance to take them away from their true feelings in the moment and be OK with who they are,” said Jefferson County Prevention Specialist Barb Reiter.

Along with the game, the party will also include free food and prizes. Games are also planned for those who may not be interested in watching football. The prizes include a 32” TV, Xbox 1s, ski passes, athletic equipment, Bluetooth headphones and speakers, roadside emergency kits, VR headset and many gift cards.

Those wanting to attend the event must arrive by 4:15 p.m. when the doors to the event will be locked.

Reiter said the Jefferson County DUI Task Force originally learned about the teen Super Bowl Party from a similar organization in Broadwater County, and as they heard details, they knew it was something they wanted to initially start for Jefferson High School students.

“So we moved forward to organize the event for the 2016 Super Bowl party. A lot was learned that first year and all felt positive about continuing to support this effort. This first year was totally funded by the Tobacco Use Prevention Program and the DUI Task Force,” she said.

In 2017, Reiter said the Task Force, Tobacco Use Prevention Program, CARE (Citizens for Action and a Responsible Environment) Coalition, Mariah’s Challenge, and Jefferson County were supportive of the party both financially and with person power.

“The second year of the event the number of teens and adults in attendance doubled in size,” Reiter said.

There were also attempts to include Whitehall in the 2017 event, but Reiter said this did not work out so they decided to do a separate party for this part of the County in 2018.

“The hope is to establish this first time event as an annual event for the Whitehall/Cardwell youth grades 6-12,” Reiter said.

There will be limited bus service available in the Whitehall area. Those desiring interested in bus transportation should contact Bill Lanes at (406) 490-0893.


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