Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Museum opening May

The Jefferson Valley Museum will open for the 2018 season on Saturday, May 26th at 12:00 PM. Volunteers will be available to answer questions and provide tours through the many sections of local history displays. The museum will be open Tuesday through Sunday each week, 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM through September 15th.

Even if you visited the museum during the 2017 season, things have changed. Thanks to a grant, the Brooke Barn has been resided and the roof cupolas repaired. Product Walk of Names. Thanks to many hours of volunteer labor, all of the boards have pulled up, names re-engraved when necessary, the lettering highlighted with black paint so that reading the names is much easier; and, new supports installed under the boards. The many historic maps at the museum are now available for viewing. An archival map cabinet was purchased last year and this spring the maps and other types of documents were properly flattened out and enclosed in clear film. With the help of museum staff, people may study any of these documents at the museum. They include early town plats, state maps, and photos. The Jardine Barn displays are slightly different than last year. The sleighs are now suspended above the floor which allows for additional display space underneath them.

Museum volunteers will be cleaning exhibits on Monday afternoons from 1:00 to 4:00 PM through May 21st and additional volunteer help is always appreciated. For access to local historic photos, year-round, check out the Jefferson Valley Museum Face Book page.


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