Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Council Approves Resolution for Subdivision Fees; Approves Sheriff Contract

At the August Town Council meeting, held Monday, August 9 at the Town Hall, councilors approved resolution 2021-13 for adopting fees for subdivision reviews. The resolution sets forth a schedule of subdivision fees which will be required of the property owner in order to further the subdivision approval. The fees are for items such as major subdivision preliminary plat application review, fire department inspection fee, public works inspection fees and more.

Also on the docket for approval was the Jefferson County Sheriff’s contract with the Town of Whitehall. The Council agreed to enter into a three year contract for $120,000 per year which, in short, provides the following:

• Sheriff will provide twenty-four hours a day law enforcement services. This service shall consist of patrol and “on-call” time. These services shall be defined as patrol time, enforcement, investigation, transportation, apprehension, and incarceration.

• There shall be a minimum of two (2) deputies residing within five (5) miles from the boundaries of Whitehall.

• Such services shall include the enforcement of the Montana Code Annotated, the Montana Traffic Code, all applicable County ordinances and all Town ordinances related to public safety within the corporate limits of the Town of Whitehall as set forth.

• The Sheriff will also deliver notices or charges of violations of all offenses found in Chapters 4, 26, 34 of the Official Municipal Code of the Town of Whitehall.

• It is acknowledged and agreed that the County and Sheriff shall not be responsible for enforcement of any ordinances of Whitehall not specified herein.

Town Attorney Ed Guza said he thought the contract was “good news.”


• Triple Tree Engineering reported an amendment that would need to be made to the current engineering schedule for the town’s water treatment facility, due to needing to relocate to the originally proposed recreational complex area by the rodeo grounds. Triple Tree also stressed that the quality of Whitehall’s water has not decreased, but the DEQ’s allowable per part content of uranium has changed, which is why Whitehall’s water does not pass muster.

• Council approved hiring a deputy clerk, as well as bringing back the billing clerk position. Allissa Christensen, Town Treasurer, said that since the audits done recently have been completed and the misappropriation of funds into the wrong categories corrected, the town has a surplus, which makes hiring the much-needed help possible.

• Discussion on raising minimum wage of Town employees was tabled for further clarification.


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