Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Go Ask Jo: 10/27/2021

Dear Jo,

I live in a small town, which means everyone pretty much knows everyone else. Generations know generations. There is a home here in town that not only looks like a junkyard, but is home to a dog that has bitten people, and killed at least one dog that I know of. How does the town not do something about it? How can someone have such a negative effect on neighbors and not have to answer for it? Help!

Signed, Dog Tired

Dear Dog Tired,

The squeaky wheel gets the grease, it is said. It sounds like both the owner and the dog need a little kick in the ass! Who to do it, who to do it……? Until someone steps up, nothing is done. Here’s your sign.

Signed, Jo

Dear Jo,

I am writing about nose hair. Yes, I know that it is a subject not often talked about. This needs to be addressed, however. It seems to be a disturbing trend lately for men to let their nose hair grow to unbelievable lengths. This cannot be a fashion trend. What is going on?! Not only is nose hair ugly, but it seems to “gather stuff” when it is long. Gross, disgusting and ugly. Can I address it? It cannot be more rude to address it than to be in public with snotty nose hair hanging off your face!

Signed, Not Nosey

Dear Nosey,

While being witness to boogery nose hair may be unappealing, it is none of your business how long someone grows any hair on their body. Make it a point to put yourself in trimmer company and that should do the trick.

Signed, Jo


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