Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: COVID-19 Vaccines and Our Kids

Dear Editor,

I realize that this is a rather touchy and perhaps even volatile issue, but it needs to be addressed if only to further educate people.

This letter is in response to last week’s Letter to the Editor, co-authored by Timothy Bennett and Sally Erickson, regarding both the safety and wisdom of the push to vaccinate our children. Before I go too far, though, I DO want to reiterate that I don’t disagree with much of what they wrote. Maybe they could have exhibited a bit more kindness and understanding, however, although I acknowledge that they did admit that the decision should be left up to the individual.

Having written to you on this subject a few times previously, I almost had to question the wisdom of doing so again, but, as I said, if it will further the education of the masses, it is worth reiteration. I’ve heard arguments, on both sides of the proverbial fence, about both the safety and efficacy of this vaccine. I’ve heard people warn of the adverse effects of the vaccine. I’ve even heard horror stories about the vaccine bringing on the symptoms, or even worse! Other than a sore shoulder, or some other form of temporary discomfort, others seem to have experienced no issues, or at least, only minor ones. About the safety of the said vaccine, I’ve heard multiple complaints that “it’s too new.” On the other hand, though, I’ve read that this vaccine has been “extensively tested.” In some ways, one is almost tempted to view this issue in a “he said, she said” manner. Again, it must be up to the individual(s), whether to or not to vaccinate either themselves or their children. It should be well-noted, too, that the children should have an equal, if not louder, voice here!

Charles Haddon Shank

Whitehall, Montana


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