Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Jo: 11/24/2021

Dear Jo,

Are you competitive? I am!!! There is going to be a local Christmas light display contest and I want to win. Actually, I MUST win!!!! I find myself driving around town checking on who is decorating, and thinking to myself, “I will buy more lights, more tinsel, more yard displays and more, more, more!!!!” How can I stop before I put myself into debt or worse?


Ready to Self Destruct!

Dear Self Destruct,

First, DO NOT self-destruct, or do anything that will be worse. You need to settle the heck down, take a few deep breaths and get yourself together. This is a community event, not your day in the sun! I am out of ways to tell you NOT to do anything stupid, selfish or crazy. Find a home that looks pitiful, go up to the door, and offer your help.

Signed, Jo

Dear Jo,

I hate to be judgey, really I do. I know, you are rolling your eyes. Really though, when I go to a restaurant to EAT, I do NOT want to see you scratching your head and dropping dandruff all over the place. Why do I even have to write this?! What is going through peoples heads, or on their heads?!


Scratching in Irritation

Dear Scratching,

I am not sure what to say. I can understand your squeamishness at the sight of someone depositing their dead skin cells on the restaurant table while you are trying to eat. However, don’t you have just a bit of empathy for the poor person? Just be glad you are not suffering from scalp sloughing!

Signed, Jo


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