Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Patriotism

Dear Editor,

As a kid raised on a farm in northern Minnesota, I attended the last one-room schoolhouse of all eight grades. Graduating eighth grade and starting high school I recognized how privileged I was at Sunnyside school where I listened to classes for all eight grades.

First graders were partnered with older students and given the privilege of raising and lowering the flag. We were taught respect for the flag, by making sure it never touched the ground and folding it properly until raised the following day.

By listening to the lessons of every grade being taught, I learned early of the tremendous gift we were given of freedom that the founding of our country guaranteed. That early gift gave me a love of country that led me to study of history and a major in college. My love of country has grown throughout my lifetime.

The founding fathers recognized that no country had succeeded for any length of time throughout history. They studied Rome, Greece, and many other countries trying to find a way of avoiding the reasons for the demise of every other country.

Their solution was to create a representative democracy by dividing power between three separate branches of government. Congress that makes the law, the President that enforces the law, and the Supreme Court that determines if the laws are constitutional.

It worked!!!!! On September 17th, 1787, delegates signed the new constitution establishing the United States as a democratic republic. We celebrated its 234th year under the Constitution on September 17th of 2021. The United States is the oldest uninterrupted federal constitutional government in history. The constitution works because it grants freedom to all and not just those of wealth or position.

For the first time in my life of 72 years, we are facing a crisis threatening the existence of our nation protected by our constitution since the founding of our country.

On January 6th, 2021, an attempted coup took place. Immediately following the insurrection politicians who were threatened came out strongly against those that had instigated and participated in the coup but for political reasons, those feelings have faded away and some have made light of what really took place.

We face the worst threat to our government since the founding of the country. Those that hide behind the lies that are being told must understand the differences between political issues and an attempt to destroy our democratic republic.

If you are a true patriot read the definition of patriotism and stand for preserving freedom for all that is guaranteed by our constitution. Believing insurrection will protect our country is a lie.

For those that believe insurrection is patriotism do you think overthrowing the government will lead you to accomplish favored societal change? Ask yourself the following question: if you overthrow our government what is the government and the country you will replace our free nation with?

Dave Torgerson

Whitehall, Montana


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