Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 1/5/2022

History makes a lot more sense when you realize we are the soberest generation there has ever been.

The morning after a snowfall, it’s easy to tell which cars have garages and which ones don’t.

Reading gives us the ability to learn in minutes something that took a lifetime to discover.

If you are one in a million then there are 8,000 people just like you.

Eagles may soar but sloths don’t get sucked into jet engines.

Fried eggs and fried chicken are the same food in different stages.

If you lost the ability to feel emotions, you wouldn’t be able to be worried about it.

To grasp how many women dye their hair blonde, look at how few men are blonde.

Superhuman strength is usually portrayed as a power to make things weigh nothing.

The blanket needs you to be warm. Without you, it’s just a cold piece of fabric on the floor.

People wake up for a number of reasons during the night, but it is never to sneeze.

The hotter your PC is, the more often it freezes.

Turning one’s head to someone too quickly is considered aggressive, and turning it too slowly is considered ominous, so there’s a perfect head turn rate to convey optimal friendliness.

Pizzas are pie graphs that show you how much pizza is left.

If Marvel makes a movie from Daredevil’s point of view, they could release it on Audible.

It’s sad how food being natural is a selling point.

The sun and moon are the most viewed objects in human history.

Somewhere deep inside we all know it’s never gonna be as good as it once was.

The real danger of peer pressure isn’t that it might make you do bad things, it’s that it might stop you from doing the things you love.

Confidence is not the absence of insecurities but acceptance of insecurities.

Nudists are probably the least judgmental about their or others' bodies.

It would stink to be a ghost haunting the house of someone who had bad taste in music.

The Spotify logo is slightly off-center.


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