Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Go Ask Jo: 1/26/2022

Dear Jo,

People always say follow your dreams. Well, how do you know what your dream is? How can people be so confident about what they want to do and have? Am I the only one who still (in my fifties) is not 100% sure of what my dream is?



Dear Dreamin’,

You cannot look at what others do and apply it to yourself. Your journey is, well, yours. Embrace your life, your experiences, all that is uniquely you.



Dear Jo,

I keep hearing that this is the end of times. The world is entering the period of Revelation.

After the last couple of years, really?! Plagues, food, and toilet paper shortages galore! How are we supposed to deal with this?! Should I be storing spinach, beans, toilet paper? Should I be rounding up some beef to raise, some chickens, maybe a goat or two?

Wait, what about clothes? What kind of clothes? Is global warming going to change what the needs of the future are? Do I need more tank tops or hot hands? This is going to drive me crazy!!!! What about Skittles? I love Skittles! Can I hoard regular or do I need to buy the freeze-dried ones to last? And we have not even touched on chocolate! Oh dear, how will I cope with all the stress without lots of Hershey’s kisses?! HELP!


Wants To Be ready

Dear Ready,

Oh, for Pete’s sake, let it go! You are more likely to be blown up in our beloved super volcano we live above! Just live!

If you want to keep a bit of six-month security around, go for it. You could be run over tomorrow by a gaggle of turkeys, so keep it in perspective. Enjoy the life you have now.

Signed, Jo

Have a question for Jo? Email her at Want to stay anonymous? Use the dropbox outside the Ledger office!


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