Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Go Ask Jo: 6/15/2022

Dear Jo,

I am always amazed by Montana. What a beautiful state! I moved here last winter. Is the weather always this volatile? It is hot one day, cold and rainy, even snowy, the next. I keep getting caught with the wrong clothing on! How the heck do I prepare for the weather around here?!


Sun Burned and Shivering

Dear Sun Burned,

Always have layers, either on you or with you. It is prudent to carry some food and water in your vehicle at all times. Make sure your gas stays above half a tank. Binoculars should be in your car, just for the times you get to see something unexpected. Bear spray is good to carry when you are on a hike.

There is so much to see and enjoy, but be prepared! Welcome to our beautiful, crazy, wild state!



Dear Jo,

I am at a loss. My nephew is so cute. He is almost two and so funny and boisterous, talks all the time. He is, of course, hitting the terrible twos. I find everything he does so funny. His parents, not so much. I don’t know how to keep from laughing. It gets me in all kinds of trouble. Any advice?


Funny Auntie

Dear Auntie,

That’s the best part of being the aunt and not the parent! You do you, but respect those hard-working parents! Heck, I am smiling just thinking about it!




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