Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 6/15/2022

At age 30, you’ve spent a month having birthdays.

Have we checked all foods to see if exploding makes them better or did we just stop at corn?

We blame society, but we are society.

In the scope of the universe, wood is probably far more rare than diamonds, gold and other precious metals.

The man bun is the mullet of our generation.

A 100lb cat is much scarier than a 100lb dog.

As a little kid, teenagers looked big and scary. As an adult, they look like little kids.

Animal fact of the day: If you described a giraffe and a unicorn to a person who had never seen either, the unicorn sounds a lot more believable.

If car brands started making desk chairs those would probably be more comfortable than regular gaming chairs.

We have simply lost the potential of so many high-IQ individuals because they never had access to education.

Many mythical creatures were thought to exist simply because there was not a way to correct eyesight back in the day.

There’s probably a high chance that someone has won a large prize on food packaging but threw it away before redeeming it.

Twenty nine years ago, Demolition Man was considered nothing more than a fun action movie with a bit of intelligence to it. Nowadays, it seems like some people have been using it more like an instruction manual.

It is ok to ask why you are single or don’t have kids but no one asks why are you married or why do you have kids.

Age is a big part of your identity, and it keeps on changing.

There are ways to politely ask a tall person to grab items from a high shelf, there is no polite way to ask a shorter person to grab something from a lower shelf without looking lazy.

When advice transforms into coercive instruction you can no longer trust the advice.

On average it takes three to four generations to be forgotten.

It’s surprising what you can get away with if you aren’t afraid of being confronted.

A year’s supply of calendars is one calendar.

Sweet, sour, salty and bitter can all be used to describe a person, but not umami.

Children seem like they have more nightmares than adults but really it’s just that adults deal with the horrors of the world every day so eventually we become numb to it.

If you take a shortcut that reliably gets you to your destination faster than another route, it’s not a shortcut, it’s the correct route.


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