Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Madison County Fair & Rodeo: August 10-14, 2022

Please join us for open class shows, vendors, 4H/FFA shows, quilt show, beer gardens, and much more!

Sunday, August 7:

10 AM Madison County Youth Rodeo

Wednesday, August 10:

7 PM Madison County Barrel Racing

Thursday, August 11:

Leapin' Louie Lichtenstein Strolling Act (throughout the day)

12PM Bingo (Pavilion)

6 PM Madison County Ranch Rodeo

8 PM Ruby Valley FFA Tractor Pull

Friday, August 13:

Leapin' Louie Lichtenstein Strolling Act (throughout the day)

Adventure Zone (by the river)

TG Face Painting (Pavilion)

11:30 AM/2:30/5:30 PM Play with Gravity Motorcycle Stunt Shows

12:30/3:30/6:30 PM Hunter Ostler Music Performance

(Open Class Building)

8 AM NRA Rodeo Slack

12 PM Bingo (Pavilion)

2 PM Stick Horse Rodeo/bouncy horse races (Friends Arena)

4 PM Hog Scramble (Friends Arena)

6:45 PM Ramblin' Rose Drill Team Performance

7 PM NRA Rodeo

7 PM Men's Stock Saddle Bronc Riding

9 PM Benny Reynolds Wild Cow Milking

9 PM Plowed Under Band (Beer Garden Stage)

Saturday, August 14:

Adventure Zone (by the river)

TG Face Painting (Pavilion)

11:30/2:30/5:30 PM Play with Gravity Motorcycle Stunt Shows

12:30/3:30/6:30 PM Hunter Ostler Music Performance (Open Class Building)

8 AM Horseshoe Tournament

10 AM Madison/Jefferson 4H/FFA Livestock Sale

12 PM Bingo

6:45 PM Ramblin' Rose Drill Team Performance

7 PM NRA Rodeo

7 PM All Girl's Stock Saddle Bronc Riding

9 PM Benny Reynolds Wild Cow Milking

9 PM Plowed Under Band (Beer Garden Stage)

Sunday, August 15:

6:30 AM Twin Bridges Fire Department Pancake Breakfast

10:30 AM Parade on Main Street

12 PM Cowboy Church

11 PM Fair Closes (See you in 2023)


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