Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Whitehall Middle/High School Principal Check-In

On behalf of Whitehall Middle and High School, I welcome everyone to the start of the 2022-23 school year, I am honored to serve the Whitehall Community as the 6-12 Principal. I look forward to working together with the leadership team, staff, students, and parents to create a tradition of excellence. School is an adventure that is filled with ups, downs, challenges, and opportunities. Attendance and attitude are two factors that are proven to benefit learning and increase opportunities. The staff and I are committed to providing a safe educational environment where everyone is motivated to succeed.

During the week of August 17, Mr. Norbeck, the School Counselor, will be working with families and students adjusting schedules as needed. Students can make changes to their schedule until Wednesday, August 31 at 3:30 PM. Returning students and parents can view schedules in Infinite Campus. School schedules are subject to change as adjustments are made to accommodate student needs. Our school’s online student information system, Infinite Campus, is a primary means of communication for student grades, attendance, and school notifications.

School meals are provided every day by Whitehall Schools. Families qualify for either free, reduced, or full-price meals. ALL families must fill out the school lunch form at the beginning of the year. This information is directly tied to our school’s funding and affects the opportunities we can provide kids. More information is available on our school website, Transportation is provided through Harlow’s Transportation. If your child will be riding the bus, please call Harlow’s at 406-287-3461.

We are conducting a sixth-grade orientation for all sixth-grade students, parents, and guardians. This event will be held on August 16 and 17 from 9 AM to 3 PM at the Middle School. Participants will receive a tour of our campus, students will get lockers, and staff will provide orientation meetings. For more information, please contact Kristen Wirth, our middle school science teacher, who is coordinating this event at

If you have a question or an idea for a teacher, coach, or administrator, our contact information is provided on the school website, I recommend emailing questions and following up with a telephone conversation or face-to-face meeting, if necessary. Another way to stay informed of the ongoings of Whitehall Schools is to follow the WHS Facebook page found at

On August 24, 2022, the adventure begins at 8:10 AM. All 6-12 students can pick up their schedule and locker assignments starting at 7:50 AM in the high school lobby, Breakfast is available for students starting at 7:45 AM in the cafeteria.


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