Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 10/15/1997

October 15, 1997

The Jefferson County Commissioners took a tentative first step toward creating a local development corporation (LCD) with a vote to “approve, encourage and support” research into creation of an LDC. Jefferson County Economic Development Agent Scott Mendenhall said an LDC would not only enable the county to move more rapidly on potential economic development projects, but would also better sustain efforts on long-range projects.

The Whitehall Town Council learned that the leaks in the new water tank slowed considerably, but not stopped, and the tank would have to be drained again for what was hoped to be the final repair effort. The 500,000-gallon water tank, part of the Whitehall water improvement project, had been a subject of council frustration since the tank’s construction this summer. The tank had been leaking at a rate of about three gallons per minute in early September. The water tank builders, Sharbono Construction of Helena, had drained the tank and fixed leaks once, but an approximately two-gallon-per-hour leak persisted in the bottom section of the tower.

The Montana Department of Justice had been investigating the Whitehall Fire Department Casino Night fundraiser for six months, but not only was the investigation not over, no end was in sight. Jeff Bryson, Chief of the Investigation Bureau of the Gambling Control Division within the Justice Department, said the investigator on the case had been out of state for three weeks. No progress was made on the investigation during that time, and a timetable for future progress was uncertain.

Whitehall Student of the Week was Debra Giono, a senior, who was nominated by Mike Battaiola for her work in Art class. Debra is the daughter of Topper and Gail Giono. She planned to attend college after graduation and major in pre-medicine, and enjoys tennis and skiing.

Whitehall Athlete of the Week was CoCo Martinson, WHS basketball team member. She was nominated by Coach Kieckbusch for leading the team in rebounds and having the second highest steals in the Three Forks and Townsend games. CoCo, a junior, is the daughter of Debby and Randy Martinson, and had plans to go to either Arizona State or Wyoming State.


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