Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Just Ask Georgia: 11/30/2022

Georgia, I have a question,

My daughter is fourteen and still sleeps with a buys stuffed animals. How do I get to stop? This is so embarrassing!

Too Old For Stuffies

Dear Too Old,

You need to grow up! Yes, you! How does what your daughter sleeps with, in the privacy of her own bed, embarrass you? I am an aged adult and I still sleep with a teddy bear. I use it because it supports my arm and besides that, it is cute as heck! Maybe your daughter needs emotional support and comfort... probably from you... as you don’t seem the most loving individual. Have you ever thought about that?

With love, Georgia

Georgia, I have a question,

My son thinks he has 20 girlfriends. These aren’t even women on the internet pretending to be anime girls - I’m talking cartoons who he can’t even have a conversation with. How can I tell him that anime girls do not actually exist and that he needs to find a real girlfriend? He is 36 years old.

Too Old For Anime

Dear Too Old (part II),

Indeed, you have the exact opposite issue as the previous Too Old.

Wow, I am unsure what to say. It probably goes without saying that when you watch enough anime, the animated world starts to feel real. But when your son is 36 and thinks he has multiple cartoon girlfriends, it might be time to suggest he get out more...perhaps to a therapist.

With love, Georgia.

Georgia, I have a question,

My daughter-in-law enjoys knitting and crocheting. For her birthday, my husband and I gave her a generous gift card to a local yarn store, for which she thanked us and seemed very pleased. Imagine my dismay, however, when six months later for our anniversary she gifted us with a lovely bedspread, which she told me she made with yarn purchased with the gift card!

I told my son that we’d, in effect, paid for our own present and that he needed to communicate to his wife how improper and stingy this move was. He refuses, saying that her labor and time were also part of the gift. Now neither of them is speaking to me. I’m considering writing her a letter directly explaining why this was an improper gift and expressing my sadness that her own parents didn’t teach her gift etiquette. What do you think?

A Good Gift Giver

Dear Gift Giver,

Yes, please write that letter - then your son and daughter-in-law will have proof of what an inconsiderate person you are. Your daughter-in-law put hours and hours into that gift. How can you be so heartless?

With love, Georgia


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