Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

MT Shakespeare in the Parks Launches 2023 Season

Montana Shakespeare in the Parks embarks on their 51st season with a production lineup fit for a king...or perhaps a bard more appropriately. Ranging from well-known favorites like Measure for Measure to an original production of Hamlet with a twist, MSIP is geared up to bring timeless tales of life, love, and tragedy to schools and parks across the Northwest.

"The beginning of a new season is always a fun and exciting time around here," said Kevin Asselin, Executive Artistic Director. "Our team and crew have been working hard to put together performances that not only honor Shakespeare's immortal stories but also bring about new relevance and understanding in today's world. We can't wait to see these stories come alive on stage!"

The traveling group's 2023 season begins in elementary classrooms with an original Montana Shakes! production, Hamlet Sandwich. Adapted from Shakespeare's Hamlet, Hamlet Sandwich walks elementary students through the heart of this Shakespearean classic, replacing tragedy with uplifting lessons on bullying and creative imagination.

The Whitehall Elementary will enjoy Hamlet Sandwich on the morning of Monday, January 30th. Grades 3-5 will participate in a performance, science, or language workshop in the afternoon. This performance and workshops are brought to the students by Gold Junction Presents and the Whitehall PTSA.

As warmer weather prevails, MSIP will hit the road for their free summer tour, bringing two unforgettable productions to the stage – Dumas' The Three Musketeers and Shakespeare's Measure for Measure. With a cast of 10, the crew will travel across Montana and neighboring states, performing, as always, under the welcoming blue skies of the west.

Whitehall's dates and performance have not yet been determined, but will be brought to the area by Gold Junction Presents and several area businesses.

To wrap up, MSIP will end the season with their Shakespeare in the Schools production of As You Like It. A story of entangled romance and comedy, where all the world's a stage, As You Like It is a keep-you-on-your-toes production, sure to captivate middle and high school students with its happily ever after.

Further details on MSIP's 2023 productions can be found at


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