Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Frontier Days Committee Announces the FRONTIER DAYS WORLD RECORD COMPETITION

Calling all competitors! Have we got some fun lined up for you!

The Whitehall Chamber of Commerce and the Frontier Days Committee announce the First Annual FRONTIER DAYS WORLD RECORD COMPETITION. We've taken world records and given them a Frontier Days spin! The showdown will happen Saturday, July 29th at 4 PM on the Main Street Green's stage.

Your task, if you choose to accept this challenge: Put together a team of four, see the challenges listed, and get practicing! Each team member will be responsible for three challenges, so pick your team wisely. Prizes include Chamber Bucks, gifts, gift certificates, and more! Register your team with the Chamber at 406-287-2260 or, cost is $10 per team!

But wait, there's more! Want a REAL challenge? Tackle this list ON YOUR OWN and you could become the FRONTIER DAYS RECORD HOLDER!

The challenges include:

1. BANDANA TIE OFF: How many bandanas can you knot and put on (in either order, just must stay tied around the neck) in one minute?

2. LASSO LOOP-OFF: How many times can you rope a fake steer head in two minutes?

3. COWBOY HAT TOSS: How many times can you throw a cowboy hat in the air and catch it on your head in two minutes? (must be tossed at least a foot high.)

4. POKER HAND: How many playing cards can you balance on two fingertips in one minute? (cards must be placed one at a time.)

5. GRIT & GRIN IT: How much oatmeal can you eat with chopsticks in one minute? (one hand must be behind the back.)

6. BULLET BULLY: How many bullets can you hold in one hand at the end of one minute? (must remain in place for five seconds once the minute is called.)

7. LONG JOHN JUMP: How many times can you jump in and out of a pair of long johns in two minutes? (must be fully put on, with arms in sleeves and fully taken off.)

8. T-SHIRT TANGLE: How many T-shirts can you put on in one minute? (must be put on one at a time and may enlist the help of a friend to pull them down.)

9. SALTINE SALUTE: How many saltines (which are the modern-day version of hard tack) can you eat in one minute? (only one cracker at a time, after each, the participant must show their empty mouth. Must be swallowed by the end of one minute. No drinking allowed.)

10. MAKE ME A COWBOY: Fastest time to put together a Cowboy Mr. Potatohead, as the display model shows, correctly in one minute.

11. MONEY MATTERS: How many coins can be stacked into a tower in one minute? (must use one hand, the tower must remain standing for 5 seconds at the end of the minute.)

12. CLASSIC CHUBBY BUNNY: How many marshmallows can you devour in one minute? (No drinks allowed, must be completely swallowed by end of one minute.)

The Chamber is looking for challenge sponsors and donations. If you are interested, please contact the Chamber at 406-287-2260 or


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