Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Abuse of Power by the Mayor?

The following letter was also read by The Whitehall Ledger as requested by Sherry Cargill.

Town of Whitehall Council Members:

I regret that I was unable to attend this meeting in person.

I, Sherry Cargill, went to the town hall for some clarification on the four-way stop signs at First and A Street. When I spoke with the mayor I asked if the sign issue had been brought before the council and she said it had not. She said it did not need to go through the council; it was at her discretion.

When I asked if she had contacted law enforcement for input she stated she had not.

When asked if she had observed any other corners to compare incidents, she had not. But she stated she had seen three fender benders in the last 18 months.

When asked if the stop signs were in the budget she said they were in the road budget. I asked if there was a line item for signage she said NO.

I feel this may be an abuse of authority because when I called Town Hall I was told to vote online.

At our meeting, she stated that the online votes [a survey on whether the four-way stop was needed or desired] were not verified so they do not count. Eighty-some percent do not count? Why were we told to vote online? I have not contacted the person doing the door-to-door survey but the majority of surveys can be directed toward a specific result.

If there is another meeting regarding authority and responsibility to town residents, I will be there.

Sherry Cargill, Former Jefferson County Commissioner

Whitehall, Montana


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