Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Noodles Auditions Thursday, August 17 at Star Theatre

Gold Junction Presents Community Theatre is readying for its third theatrical offering with Noodles and is looking for a few fellow thespians to round out the cast.

Ned is the 30-ish son of Ma and Pa Boodle whose efforts to introduce girlfriends to his family don’t turn out very well. His family is somewhat “colorful.” But Ned’s latest introduction of a lady friend to the family is different. Elaine sees what few others see in the family Boodle. With understated humor, the final scenes just might help you view your own crazed flesh and blood with a knowing smile, a kinder eye, and an open heart.

An informational meeting and auditions will be held Thursday, August 17 at 6 PM at the Star Theatre, where practice and play dates will be discussed and decided.

For information and questions, contact Liz Pullman at 406-498-3807.


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