Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Between the Stacks: 10/18/2023

Next week will be a busy week at the Library, with programs going on every day for young and old alike! Monday evening, October 23rd, at 5:30 PM the Rockhounding Group will be having their monthly meeting. Montana isn’t called the Treasure State for nothing, and this is a wonderful way to learn about local geology, fossils, and gemstones. Participants may hear guest speakers, take field trips, and share treasures they have found. There are always people there who really know their rocks and are happy to help identify any items people bring in.

On Tuesday, October 24th, at 11 AM the annual Volunteer Tea will be hosted by the Friends of the Library. Lunch will be served to all of our wonderful patrons who give up time to make the Library a better place. These include our lunch drivers from the summer, Library Board members, Friends, and the many people who help man the front desk, cover books, shelve, and more.

The Knitting Group is growing weekly and wants everyone to know they are invited to come and work on their favorite handcraft, not just knitting. The group meets every Tuesday from 1 PM to 3 PM.

The Mystery Book Club will follow the Knitters on Tuesday, October 24th, at 5 PM. This group of mystery fans discuss everything they have read during the month and explore new releases that have arrived at the Library. Everyone is welcome.

The Holocaust Book Discussion Group will meet on Thursday, October 26th at 6 PM. This group of teens and adults brings the reality and history of the Holocaust, through first-hand accounts, speakers, exhibits, and more, to light through discussion and research. Earlier this year the group visited Holocaust LA in Los Angeles and were able to meet and talk with survivors. The topic is timelier than ever with the situation in the Middle East. For more information contact the Library at 287-3763.

STEM Camp will be meeting on Thursday, October 26th, at 2 PM. This is a fun time of science gone wild with Miss Brandi. All ages are welcome, and subjects include science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through experiments and discovery.

Children are once again invited to trick or treat at the Library on Halloween evening during regular business hours. You can come in costume or regular clothing to share a sugary treat from the Friends.


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