Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Council and Saddle Club "Back to Square One"

At the October meeting of the Whitehall Town Council, held Monday, October 16 at the Town Hall, the decision was made by the Town Council to negotiate no further with the Whitehall Saddle Club (WSC) in the ongoing debate of who-owns-what at the Whitehall Rodeo Grounds and to not sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that has been a point of contention between the two groups for over half a year.

“After several months of negotiations, the matter of the Rec Complex and WSC disputed property seems to be at a standstill. The following are reasons as to why I will not sign the current MOU, as we don’t have an understanding,” Councilman Bill Lanes stated.

“A few months ago we inquired about a buyout of items. However, the WSC has denied requests to provide any proof of ownership. The Town Council's questions as to proof of ownership is not out of line. Standard business practices and legal obligations should be followed. I’m sorry handshakes and word-of-mouth agreements of the past do not suffice today.

“Ethically I have further concerns now of putting the taxpayers of our town in debt on possible properties that already have been purchased with tax funds through metal mines money or other grants. A buy out in my opinion should no longer be on the table.

“Last month the SC proposed a range of $175k-$250k of their submitted property list. Those figures are well beyond our reach and again I see this as an ethical problem. An amicable resolution to this matter is much better for our community,” Lanes said.

Councilman Roy McBride made a second motion, adding that “we are back to square one,” after the approval of not signing the MOU. In his motion, he stated, “I think we have been doing this for too long. We need to move on. I want to make a motion to sit down and come up with an agreed-upon list of what is attached to the ground, what legally stays with the complex, and what the WSC can take. I also think we need to come up with an agreed-upon date after this list is complete and allow 30 days when the WSC can take those items and a town official should be present during that time.”

The motion passed unanimously. No comment from the WSC members in the audience was made.


• The water treatment facility has gone out to bid.

•Chuck Levengood addressed the Council in regard to the loose and feral animal problem in Whitehall.

• Business licenses were approved for Buckeye Plumbing and Heating, Property Services, LLC, Electrical Design and Construction, and K&L Mortuaries.

• Jayden Deigler and Elias Rodriguez were approved as volunteer firemen.

• Applications for new structures were approved for Curtis Smith and Janine Burrows; fence applications were approved for Laurie Jensen and Janine Burrows.

• The Town Hall will be closed the day after Thanksgiving, November 24.

• The next Town Council meeting will be held Monday, November 20th at the Town Hall Chambers.


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