Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

JVCF Celebrates Short and Sweet Grant Awards

The Jefferson Valley Community Foundation was pleased to present several community awards to community non-profit organizations at their annual Short and Sweet awards night at the Whitehall Community Center on November 8 at 7 PM. The following grants were awarded that night:

• Whitehall Middle/High School: $2,500 for tools and job box for FFA, that grant being the Barrick Co. Grant.

• Whitehall Garden Club: $750 for seedlings for Arbor Day.

• P.U.L.S.E.: $3,200 to finish the community room in their new building.

• Whitehall Community Center: $2,000 for self-leveling concrete to repair the floor.

• Jefferson Valley Museum: $700 for track jacks and equipment for oral recording.

• Jefferson Valley Sportsmen Association: $1,200 for two concrete shooting benches.

In addition, three mystery grants were awarded to non-profits who had not previously received grants. These non-profits and their grant amounts are:

• Whitehall Chamber Mural Restoration Project: $500

• Whitehall Rural Fire Department: $500

• Gold Junction Presents: $1,000

The evening was made a special community event with pie, ice cream, and coffee provided by the Jefferson Valley Community Foundation. The delicious pies were auctioned off to community members who were hungry for delicious desserts and wished to support the Foundation in their community service.

Additionally, JVCF is looking for community members who would like to be a part of ongoing community service by joining the JVCF board. If you are interested, please contact JVCF at 406-498-2895.


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