Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 11/29/2023

Given that Earth is 70% water, we are lucky it isn’t just a bunch of far-apart small islands.

We may be 2-3 generations away from not having digital records of our ancestors.

The fake workers for the Wendy’s commercials are paid significantly better than their real workers.

We’re nice to old people who are moving slowly but only if they’re walking... not if they’re driving slowly.

Technically all cars in video games are electric.

Somewhere in the world, the first trillionaire is out there.

The thing crime shows don’t show is the mountains of paperwork required to affect the arrest and win the case.

Because our choices are motivated by our experiences, free will comes from doing what we don’t want.

Life really is a battle with yourself rather than a battle with other people.

Cardboard is diet wood.

Because of online grocery shopping, Digiorno can in fact be delivery.

“No one is above the law” is a fallacy perpetuated by those who are above the law.

There is no greater betrayal than when a fart isn’t a fart.

Many people work hard every day just to prolong a miserable existence.

We prefer our blankets warm but our pillows cold in the bedroom.

Lots of cartoon characters have sleep apnea.

There seems to be a correlation between how judgey someone is to how superficially they view the world around them.

TV commercials for visiting Las Vegas rarely show people gambling.

As kids, we are gradually becoming taller than the rest of the world.


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