Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 12/13/2023

People find it weird pagers and fax machines are still being used, but not that radios are popular.

There is no human-threatening sky predator like there is on land and water.

In science fiction, robots are usually depicted as immortal; in reality, we rarely see any piece of electronics still being used after 20 years.

It’s a blessing that we only start forming memories at around three years old.

Cheeseballs don’t taste like cheese.

Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world, yet you really don’t hear that much about it.

You look less suspicious walking at night if you have a dog with you.

Anyone will look less intimidating while carrying bags of groceries.

No one on Cheers had a Boston accent.

Prehistorical people didn’t know their own age.

The banana is not the closest food item to look like a phone anymore; a poptart is.

A postage stamp has more value the further you send the letter.

The Grinch has to hear someone singing a derogatory song about him every 10 minutes and people wonder why he’s so grumpy.

On some conceptual level many species collectively agreed that a 1 in 30 chance of getting eaten was better than sticking to themselves.

At a certain point, social media became less about interacting with others and more about presenting yourself to others.

The guy who invented the headphones deserves to win the Nobel Peace Prize every day, forever.

Soda won the soda pop battle.

Only when you get older do you realize how dumb kid lies sound.

In TV shows and movies, you never see Santa delivering toys to anyone in an apartment complex.

For the richest people in the world, “worth their weight in gold” is an insult.

The next step in human evolution will be losing our toenails.

SHORT is a longer word than LONG.

Energy drinks and sparkling water have a much more diverse selection of flavors in comparison to regular soda.

Water can kill you a thousand different ways, yet we need it to live.

Somewhere there’s a planet where you can see a constellation at night that looks exactly like the word HELLO.

The only way to get the wish you actually want from a genie is to hide your intent from the audience.

For a dog, an elevator ride is tele-transportation.

Soft rock radio stations seem to ignore oldies music except during Christmas.

All jeans are skinny jeans if you become fat.

You are more likely to witness someone you know win the lottery than to win it yourself.

We don’t search for old songs, we look for old memories.

The guy who invented the little diagram telling you which way to put batteries in is one of the world’s unsung heroes.


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