Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Between the Stacks: 12/27/2023

You may have noticed the pamphlet rack beside the children’s computers and wondered what all those little booklets are. They are a series of information that helps parents of young children on how reading helps their children develop all through their growth from babies to preschoolers. Provided by the Montana State Library (thank you all so much!!) the Ready2Read Project lets parents, guardians, grandparents, childhood educators, and anyone else who works with young children, explore the advantages at each grade level of reading to children as well as reading with them.

These booklets are free to the public and share a wealth of ideas and information. They include the six early literacy skills: narrative skills, print motivation, vocabulary, print awareness, letter knowledge, and phonological awareness. The booklets include suggestions for choosing books to read to babies, toddlers, and preschoolers as well as tips for sharing books with each age group.

Reading during the early childhood years gives children a huge advantage when they begin their formal education. According to the Child Mind Institute, “The effects of reading on child development include cognitive and emotional benefits, such as helping children develop language skills and literacy, build empathy, and learn how to handle challenging feelings.”

In a study done by Ohio State University, “Young children whose parents read them five books a day enter kindergarten having heard about 1.4 million more words than kids who were never read to, a new study found.” That is a big difference! The Library has board books for babies, picture books for toddlers and preschoolers as well as easy readers for those preschoolers learning to recognize words. Come check them out and get a free copy of all of the information booklets on children and reading. They are free at the Library.

If you have older children who would like to sign up for the children’s quilt class on Friday afternoons, please call and let us know at 287-3763. We have limited the class size so that students will be able to have individual assistance as needed.

Just a reminder, the Library will be closed on New Year’s Day but open the rest of the week at regular times. The book drop is always open if anyone needs to return items after hours.

January 2nd is the day to pick up Book Bingo cards at the front desk. The program is open to anyone 0-120 years of age. Parents may read to younger children as well as books for themselves, so everyone is eligible for prizes. The Book Bingo cards must be turned in by April 30 but may be turned in as readers finish a Bingo for a prize. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season from the entire Library staff.


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