Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

The Ledger Tradition Continues... 24 Best Wishes for 2024

In the January 7, 1998 issue of the Whitehall Ledger, owner Glenn Marx offered up 98 Best Wishes for 1998. What a great idea - and in the January 4, 2023 edition I restarted this tradition, though lucky for me, as we entered 2023, I only need to offer 23 Best Wishes. Now, on to 2024, and some best wishes for the new year!

24) Best wishes to everyone involved in the highly anticipated new Golden Sunlight daycare facility.

23) Best wishes (and speedy finishing) to the new Whitehall Town Pump. We can’t wait to see it!

22) Best wishes to the Whitehall Town Council as they work to provide Whitehall...


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