Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 2/7/2024

It’s funny how no one will read an email that’s more than a paragraph in the professional world. But as you progress through college, they ask you to write longer and longer papers.

A significant portion of our efficient energy is generated simply by boiling water. Our advancements haven’t strayed far from the steam age; instead, we’ve honed our ability to heat water effectively.

It’s interesting how close to absolute 0 the temperature needs to be for life to exist (as far as we know) considering how hot other parts of the universe can get.

We think of things as being alive or not, but there might be other states we can’t conceive of.

Animals eat other animals without any sauce or seasoning.

It’ll be too expensive to deport someone who wasn’t born on Earth.

We don’t appreciate how well the different parts of the body work until a part stops working normally.

We’re more afraid of losing our jobs than we are of dying.

Many bilingual people never had to learn a new language outside of childhood.

People who have more money pay for premium subscriptions to not see any ads for products they can afford, while poorer people who can’t afford premium subs are forced to watch ads for things they can’t afford.

The first 50-degree day in February feels a lot different than the first 50-degree day in September.

Some people complain about the amount of electrical infrastructure that is needed to build a new EV charging station, but they don’t expect every gas station to have its own oil refinery.

People will exclaim “HOLY COW!” when they’re surprised even when they are not Hindu.

Chickens are machines that convert ticks and other insects into both useful fertilizers and yummy proteins.

The easiest way to attract beautiful women is to date a beautiful woman.

We were lied to when we were taught as kids that fart jokes wouldn’t be funny once we got older.

Behind a rich man, there is a wife with a non-profit company.

Taking an out-of-order escalator feels worse than taking a regular staircase.

Most people who wish for super speed forget to also ask for proportionately faster brains to keep up with the input.

Regardless of the economy, liquor stores are always booming; in good times we drink, in bad times we drink.

You will never encounter the same individual twice, even in that same individual.

We still don’t know if Stacy’s mom was trying to seduce a teenage boy or if he was reading too much into things.


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