Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

JeffCo Health Department Update

Jefferson County Community Health Assessment

How do we measure health and well-being? A person's health is affected by many factors, including genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environment. Experiencing good health, happiness, positive relationships, and purpose contribute to our overall well-being. Wellness allows us to develop and thrive. Gauging personal health is often a private experience between an individual, their loved ones, and healthcare providers.

Caring for patients individually, one patient at a time, has been my career experience. As a clinical nurse, I developed assessment and advocacy skills that helped my patients measure their personal health and well-being. My role as a public health nurse differs from that of a clinical nurse. My patient is a community rather than an individual. That community can be a family, a school, or a county.

When I think about community health, I think about how to define it. How do we measure the health and well-being of a community? What does community health mean to us as individuals and families? Can we improve it?

I think about safe schools, mental health, disease prevention, clean air and water, and emergency preparedness. Frequently, I find myself thinking about this realm of health topics and their impact on all of us. I wonder where our efforts as a community should be focused.

Every three to five years, health departments are encouraged to conduct a Community Health Assessment to capture a collective view of health in their county. The results of this assessment are used to identify priorities and initiate plans to improve health and wellbeing for their residents. Jefferson County Health Department is currently conducting a Community Health Assessment. In this process, we look at key questions such as:

• What are the strengths of our community related to health and wellness?

• What challenges do we face in Jefferson County related to health and wellness?

• What opportunities do we have to address these needs?

• What resources do we have to address emerging health issues or concerns?

A Community Health Assessment is a systematic, data-dri ven approach to determining healthstatus, behaviors, and needs of residents in Jefferson County. This assessment's information will guide our efforts to improve wellness, make informed decisions, and set health priorities.

The Health Department has not taken on this project alone. Many factors impact individual and community health. It is important to take a broad view of health as we conduct this assessment.

We have enlisted diverse community partners to contribute input and ideas. The Systems Improvement Office at the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services provides guidance, resources, and funding for the project. Yarrow, a Montana-based public health consulting organization, has been hired to facilitate and produce the Community Health Assessment and, ultimately, a Community Health Improvement Plan.

How can you help? During the Community Health Assessment process, Jefferson County residents will be asked to share their thoughts on the health status of our community. More voices create a better picture of health needs in our county. Your voice is important to us.

Please watch for more information on how you can participate. We would love to hear from you!

I am looking forward to seeing what strengths and opportunities unfold from the Community Health Assessment process. I anticipate this project helping us define priorities to build a healthier community for all of us to live, work, and play.


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