Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Sue Simons Miller, 76

On March 30, 2024, Sue's spirit took flight after an extended illness.

She was born July 11, 1947, to Ralph (Speed) and Lee Simons in Townsend, Montana. They would bring her home to a big sister, Judi. The girls enjoyed living down the street from their grandparents; Sue occasionally snuck away to Grandma when she didn't care for the babysitter. Later, the Simons family moved to Boulder, Montana, where Sue became a reluctant big sister to Nita and Marty.

She attended school in Boulder, graduating from JCHS in 1967. In the fall of 1967, Sue attended the University of Montana in Missoula; the following year, she joined the workforce. She held various jobs: a waitress, an elevator girl at the Free Enterprise Mine, an obituary writer for a newspaper, a telephone operator, and a grocery store worker. Her true calling came when she went to work for Jefferson County in the Treasurer's office. She began as a clerk in 1973, was elected treasurer in 1986, and would be reelected until her retirement in 2002. She loved working with numbers and people. Sue was a staunch advocate for the taxpayers of the county. She was very outspoken, as many county commissions would come to know.

On October 6, 1972, Sue married Sid Miller; they made Boulder their forever home. Sue often traveled to Sid's construction sites on weekends; she loved those road trips and meeting new people. Sid and Sue spent their free time hitting the road on the Harley, meeting up with friends for a ride and an after-party.

Along with road trips, Sue enjoyed early morning swims, long walks, sitting in the sun with her fur babies, entertaining friends and family, and drinking Bud Lite.

When we think of Sue, so many words come to mind: outspoken, bullheaded, brave, thoughtful, smart, hardworking, witty, with a wicked sense of humor, a loyal friend, devoted, one-in-a-million, and a heart of gold.

Survivors include her siblings and their families: Nita (Ed) McCauley and Marty (Sandy) Simons; brother-in-law Larry Saarinen; sister-in-law Donna Lay; many beloved nieces and nephews and dear friends; Kathy (Larry ) Fritz and her "life buddy" JR (Amy) Williams and family.

We would like to give special thanks to Bear Grass Suites, the Lagerquist family, and all the caregivers who made it their mission to keep Sue in Boulder. Also, thank you to the wonderful community of Boulder, which has kept watch over her for the past several years. What a blessing you all have been!

At Sue's request, a "BIG PARTY" will be held June 15, 2024, at 1 PM in the Volunteer Hall at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds in Boulder, Montana.

Memorials may be made to Bear Grass Suites (PO Box 629, Boulder, MT 59632) or the Boulder Swimming Pool (PO Box 68, Boulder, MT 59632).


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