Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Garden Club to Meet July 10th

Have you ever wondered how the hanging baskets at nurseries look so full and beautiful? At the next Whitehall Garden Club meeting, you will learn how to create your own hanging basket!

Guest speaker Ruby Anderson from Wagner’s Nursery will demonstrate how to plant and maintain hanging baskets. Her expertise will provide information on what types of plants to select and how to place them in the basket using tips that nurseries use to make a beautiful display.

The Garden Club will begin meeting on Wednesday, July 10th, at 9:30 AM in the Borden’s Conference Room with a “breakfast social” hosted by members Barbara Lien and Amber Colombo. The meetings are open to the public, so please join us and learn what it takes to create lovely hanging baskets.

For more information about the Whitehall Garden Club, a Montana Federation of Garden Club member, call 406-490-3791 or visit the website at


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