Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles written by Arcylle Shaw

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 79

  • Dear Editor: Thank You Community For Your Support

    ARCYLLE SHAW|Apr 10, 2024

    Dear Editor, The Fundraising Garage/Bake Sale was a huge success. Thank you to all for your generous contributions! God used many people to accomplish so much. Kipp and Dawn Huckaba's pavilion was the perfect place, considering the weather. They also added lunch for the workers and their organizational skills. Every person who donated items or purchased them was God's blessing. The Country Store graciously took items that didn't sell-another blessing! The Guatemalan people will certainly be...

  • Cardwell Community Church Missionaries Headed to Guatemala

    ARCYLLE SHAW|Mar 13, 2024

    Destination: Santa Rosita, Guatemala. A team from Cardwell Community Church in Cardwell, Montana, will be heading to Santa Rosita at the end of April. Santa Rosita is an area of 600 families 30 minutes south of Guatemala City. They live in extreme poverty—no electricity or running water, and they lack medical care. Gary and Debbie Miller, who will lead the team, have ministered to these delightful people before to physically help and teach them about Jesus and what He offers them. The team's m...

  • Dear Editor: This is Progress?

    ARCYLLE SHAW|Oct 18, 2023

    Dear Editor, Recently, driving into Whitehall from the Interstate, I felt like I was in a scene from It's a Wonderful Life when Jimmy Stewart's character sees his town as if he had never been born. I was born and am living, but, the town that I was raised in does not exist anymore. The area North of Yellowstone Trail and West of Main Street was once called Pyferville, after my Mother's family. There were families and homes. Today, a truck stop has swallowed up everything but four original...

  • Dear Editor: Thank you for painting the W

    ARCYLLE SHAW|Jun 7, 2023

    Dear Editor, A BIG THANK YOU to the class of 2023 for painting the “W”! Ron and Sandy Hunt and their crew used a lot of muscle to restore it origianlly. It’s great to see it get some care. Maybe it can become a senior class tradition? ARCYLLE SHAW Cardwell, Montana...

  • Dear Editor: Way to Go Cardwell

    ARCYLLE SHAW|Feb 8, 2023

    Dear Editor, What a wonderful front-page story of the recognition of the Cardwell School being Montana’s number-one elementary school! That must be really encouraging to the staff at the school. In 1918, school districts 16 and 31 consolidated to establish the Jefferson Island - Cardwell School. This included a High School until 1934 when the High School district consolidated with the Whitehall Schools. Since the closure of the High School, students who graduate 8th grade continue their education in the Whitehall School system. Looking back, I...

  • Dear Editor: As an election judge, I'm glad to live here

    ARCYLLE SHAW|Nov 16, 2022

    Dear Editor, Election Day is over and whether or not the results were what we wanted, we should be so thankful that we have the opportunity to vote! Our precinct voted at the Cardwell Pavilion and Kipp Huckaba had plowed the snow so everything was easily accessible for voters. It was like a family reunion during the afternoon when neighbors and friends were visiting! As an election judge, it made me glad to be living here. Some of the results of the issues concern me - particularly 131. If a doctor (who has taken an oath to preserve life) can...

  • Dear Editor: Read the Voters Pamphlet

    ARCYLLE SHAW|Oct 26, 2022

    Dear Editor, It’s less than two weeks until the mid-term elections. I would encourage each of us to become well-informed voters. This means some research, and that takes time. Who can you trust? Follow the money and find some trustworthy people to answer questions. Read thoroughly the ‘Voter’s Pamphlet’ from the Sec. of State. Thomas Jefferson said, “If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.” That includes city, county, state, and federal offices. Remember it’s a priv...

  • Dear Editor: Polling Place for Jefferson Island Precinct #15

    ARCYLLE SHAW|Jun 1, 2022

    Dear Editor, The Madison County, Jefferson Island Precinct #15 polling place is the Cardwell Pavilion next to Kipp and Dawn Huckaba’s home on Highway 2 East. Registered voters can vote there between the hours of 12 noon and 8 PM. Only those who requested an absentee ballot received their ballot in the mail. The “all mail” balloting two years ago has caused some confusion, so if you did not ask for nor receive an absentee ballot, you must vote in person. Call the Clerk and Recorder’s Office in Virginia City at 406-843-4270 if you have questio...

  • Dear Editor: Thank You Council!

    ARCYLLE SHAW|Mar 2, 2022

    Dear Editor, I read that the Town Council approved TIF money for a sidewalk on Division as far as the Museum. What a wonderful benefit to so many! It will make the ‘stroll’ to the Museum so much nicer and easier. Thank you to the Council! Arcylle Shaw Cardwell, Montana...

  • Dear Editor: Improvements at the Museum

    ARCYLLE SHAW, Cardwell, Montana|Nov 10, 2021

    Dear Editor, As the Jefferson Valley Museum continues to grow, financing becomes a problem. Thanks to the generosity of The Country Store, The Jefferson Valley Community Foundation, and Barrick Gold, a research/resource room will soon be completed and ready for service. Last year was particularly bleak with lack of visitors due to COVID-19, but it has been a much better 2021 season. There have been several new collections of history of the Whitehall area brought to the Museum. These will be...

  • Dear Editor: Road Through Town

    Arcylle Shaw|Sep 1, 2021

    Dear Editor, Not sure if I should do this, but, while I was at Tona’s Treasures this past week, when a semi passed by, it felt like an earthquake! It sure puts the glassware at risk. The truck didn’t seem to be speeding. I wonder about the road through town. The real solution is to not let the trucks from the North take the valley road instead of the Interstate to Dillon and on to Idaho. Can’t really do anything about that. Thanks for listening, Arcylle Shaw Cardwell, Montana...

  • Museum Board Reorganizes, Prepares for 2021 Season

    Arcylle Shaw|Apr 21, 2021

    Following a successful Annual Meeting of the Jefferson Valley Museum, featuring Norm Tebay with a history lesson of the Tebay family, some of the interested people engaged Norm and his son, Cody in conversation. Interwoven with the history were human interest stories of the family’s life in Whitehall from before Whitehall became a city. A variety of photos shown on the big screen at the Star Theater revealed an era of living in the Jefferson Valley. The Tebay ancestry was very instrumental - both financially and with expertise - in the e...

  • Dear Editor: Focus on Abortion, Not Gun Control

    Arcylle Shaw|Apr 14, 2021

    Dear Editor, Mr. Johnson, you are to be commended for your concern of deaths of children by guns. The abortion industry has killed millions of babies in the womb and without guns. Those babies need defending. They have had their lives taken with funding from the U.S. government. Murder with a gun is illegal and comes with an arrest, etc. Not so, with all of those baby deaths. Guns are not ‘treasures’, they are one of our freedoms. Arcylle Shaw Cardwell, Montana...

  • Dear Editor: Response to Gerald Johnson Letter #1

    Arcylle Shaw|Mar 31, 2021

    Dear Editor, This is in response to Gerald Johnson’s comments on gun control. Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. They use knives, their hands, etc., etc. According to Jeremiah 17:9, “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.” Another Scripture from the mouth of Jesus: “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts murders, adulteries, fornications, (immoral behavior) thefts, false witness (lies) and blasphemies.” Matthew 15:19. It’s man’s heart that is the issue. Arcylle Shaw Cardwell, MT...

  • For Your Information - Cardwell News

    Arcylle Shaw, Whitehall Ledger Contributing Writer|Jan 20, 2021

    If you are into geo-cashing, Ray Hunt and his boys, Eon, Ember and Roam, have put together 30 plus of them. Ray is an amazing story-teller and knows how to entertain his boys with treasure hunts and various other projects. According to Grandpa Ron, the boys are gifted in design and cleverness. Eon designed one that looks like a bird house that can really fool you. When the geo-cash maps are pulled up on one’s phone, Ron said that it looks like the area has been peppered! Isn’t it wonderful to live in Southwest Montana and in the Whitehall are...

  • For Your Information

    Arcylle Shaw|Dec 2, 2020

    The newest addition to Jefferson Island (Cardwell) is Callan Dean Patrick! (See the photo) Shawn and Avery Patrick are the parents of this little fellow and Shawn said "We are quite smitten with this little one." Love is an amazing thing - it just grows and grows when a child is born from the love between to parents. Even though Callan was three weeks early, he will thrive. Callan is the first grandchild for Avery's parents, Mike Gold and Katie Boedecker who live in the White Sulphur Springs...

  • For Your Infomation

    Arcylle Shaw, Contributing Writer|Mar 20, 2019

    This week is the end of the third quarter for the school year. And, on Thursday, the buses will take the students to Great Divide for a day of skiing. What a beautiful day it is suppose to be! Last week, on the 12th, several students participated in the Science Fair competition at Montana Tech. Please note the photo of them on page 9. Levi, Shawn, and Tucker received second places and Kaden, third. Good work boys. The second week of March was the celebration of Dr. Seuss' birthday. Each day the...


    Arcylle Shaw, Contributing Writer|Nov 28, 2018

    When God said to give thanks in everything, the Thanksgiving Dinner at the school was a easy one! Between the students, teachers, staff and parents, the meal was prepared and served. Was it ever good! It's such a great time to visit with neighbors. Favors made to look like teacups, were made by the 5th and 6th graders. (see attached photo) Students were circulating among the guests, offering to bring drinks or other needs. I might add here, if you are over 60, live in Cardwell or have a...

  • For Your Information

    Arcylle Shaw, Contributing Writer|Jul 5, 2018

    Visitors at the Jefferson Valley Museum are greeted with tubs of flowers from Wagner's Nursery. It looked like 'effort' to get them unloaded and situated for all to enjoy. The Museum is a grateful recipient of Wagner's generosity. Last week Nancy Norville visited with Julian and Sue Norville, as well as Mike. Nancy has been living in Utah while taking treatments for a medical problem. Home is really Alaska for Nancy and her husband Wes. When you drive by the Munson residence on Hwy 359, you can see a Doctor's Carriage completely restored and...


    Arcylle Shaw, Contributing Writer|Mar 21, 2018

    In last week's Ledger, Jack Smith covered some vital information regarding the Cardwell School. If you didn't read it, go back and do it. There are two school board positions open - the high school in Whitehall is represented by two positions from Cardwell and Sue Pullman has opted to not run again to fill one of them. At Cardwell, Trent Biggers is moving from the District and will not be able to run again. There are capable residents who can fill either of these. Sooo, get a petition from the...


    Arcylle Shaw, Contributing Writer|Feb 21, 2018

    Because of howling winds, blowing snow and frigid temperatures, the Cardwell School Board agreed to cancel school on Monday, President's Day. That is a very rare happening. As a result, the Live Wax Museum is rescheduled for next Monday, February 26th, from 1:30 until 3:30. There will still be an opportunity to buy baked goods and/or contribute to the students' project to help with the Centennial celebration. Further information can be acquired by calling Seth Coombe at the Cardwell School....


    Arcylle Shaw, Contributing Writer|Oct 25, 2017

    If I had a permit, and a gun, and knew how to use it, I could have a bear rug in my bedroom. Two nights in a row, Mr. Bear paid me a visit and was very helpful the second night by pruning one of my apple trees. I had trouble with a bear and some others had issues with elk. Rachel Dawson demolished her car on her early morning drive to Bozeman to work. It Highway 69 where she tangled with the elk. She was not seriously hurt at all!! Al Johnson, on his way to pick up school students, had an encounter with an elk near the Sunlight Mine area, The...


    Arcylle Shaw, Contributing Writer|Oct 18, 2017

    God’s paint brush has been at work changing the trees and bushes into such gorgeous colors. They won’t last long with the wind stripping the leaves. (It would be handy if the same wind would blow those leaves out of the yard.) Indian Summer is wonderful! God promised in Genesis 8:22 that the seasons would continue as long as the earth remains. God keeps His promises. We live in a transient society. Sometimes people move into a community and out of it without ever meeting others. However, that will not be true of the Nieskens family.. They pur...

  • Save the date for Cardwell School Centennial

    Arcylle Shaw, Contributing Writer|Oct 18, 2017

    On August 4, 2018, the Cardwell School will be celebrating its Centennial. This is an opportunity for former students, teachers and anyone who has an interest in celebrating this once-in-a-lifetime experience. During the next 9 months, articles will appear in the Ledger, those with Facebook accounts along with phone calls and mailings, will be the catalysts to make this a weekend to remember. If you are interested in jumping on board with those who have already began the process, come to the meeting on November 9, 2017 at Arcylle Shaw’s at 9...


    Arcylle Shaw, Contributing Writer|Oct 11, 2017

    Friend Glenn, As I write this, the Indians are up 2 - 1 over the Yankees. And, if it doesn’t rain, game four will be played today. It could be the end of the season for the Yankees. Don’t get too excited over that thought. There’s always next year. Next year for Fantasy Baseball, as well. Thanks for keeping me up to speed with those two sons of mine that are diehard Yankee fans. Only you can get away with calling them ‘scumbags’. Shane was impressed with your writing skills - not too sure about the bias. I’m sure he would have won if, in deed...

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