Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Community pool fundraiser Friday night

During the summer months the Whitehall Community Pool gives local residents plenty of opportunity for fun or a chance to exercise. This Friday, those who enjoy the many assets of the community focal point will be able to give back at a fundraising event.

A Whitehall Community Pool fundraiser is schedule for June 23 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Community Center.

According to manager Haylee Estey, the pool is seeking financial support to help with the cost of running the facility and also for maintenance.

“Whitehall is lucky to have a local pool that interests and serves people of all ages. Many children and adults have spent hours of swimming at the pool since it first opened. Many children have learned water safety and practiced their swimming skills through group and private lessons,” Estey said. “The pool has benefited many teenagers because it has provided summer employment in a fun and engaging atmosphere. The pool has truly impacted and influenced this community.”

The fundraising event will include a barbecue and silent auction.

For more information about the Friday furndraiser or to donate, please contact Estey at 406-209-1499.


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