Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Community Integrated Health Launches June 2nd

Jefferson Valley EMS & Rescue is proud to announce the launch of its newest endeavor: Community Integrated Health (CIH). Designed to fill the gaps between 911 calls, hospitals, and medical clinics, Community Integrated Health will have a three-pronged approach that includes walk-in office hours three times per week, soon-to-be-announced regular weekly hours at the Whitehall Senior Center, and referrals from primary care providers for short-term or long-term in-home visits. All care is free of charge.

Paula Bracken, RN is the CIH Manager and one of the care providers in CIH. Paula and her husband Terry are new to the area but have both become valued members of the JVEMSR crew. Paula works at the hospital in Dillon and Terry works for Smith and Sons Construction. They live in Lower Rader Creek with an assortment of canine companions. Other CIH care providers are more familiar: Kamrie Smith, Francine Giono, Rosanna Henst, John Janik, and in the very near future, Angel Lucas.

Jefferson Valley EMS & Rescue has a new home where the Whitehall Pharmacy used to be at 203 West Legion, and CIH will hold its first walk-in office hours in that facility from 2 to 4pm Mon, Wed, and Fri, beginning June 2nd. Appointments are not necessary, and care is free of charge. CIH in Whitehall is currently funded by grants because it is one of several CIH pilot programs in Montana. You will be asked for your primary care provider’s name, and a record of your visit will be faxed to your PCP.

You could get your blood pressure checked, talk to a provider about health concerns, weigh in, get your lungs listened to, glucose checked, etc. You could also just stop by during open hours and say hello.

CIH will be presenting to the Whitehall Rotary on June 14, and further community presentations are planned. Regular care provider hours at the Whitehall Senior Center will be announced soon, so stay tuned for more news about Jefferson Valley Community Integrated Health. For more information call 406-490-7251.


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