Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Rants and Raves

Dear Editor,

The town I moved from had an online forum for its citizens to RANT and RAVE, but I believe this platform will suffice for the same purpose. I have both RANTS and RAVES for the Rescuers and Survivors Fair hosted by the Whitehall Community Library last Thursday. First, the RAVES, lest you become so indignant over my RANTS you see red, lose focus, and cannot see your way to the end of this letter, missing the all-important RAVES.

Nothing but RAVES to the nine teens who have spent the better part of the last four months preparing for the fair. Each teen chose a different Rescuer/Survivor from the Holocaust whose experiences they researched. On the night of the fair, each presenter had their own station which they adorned with books read, and posters, maps, and timelines prepared by their own hand from their research. Each presentation was living historical theatre as the students had also organized a costume to wear that they felt best depicted their chosen subject. It was uncanny how often the student actually resembled their subject! First-rate performances and presentations by al!! I have never had so many young people sustain direct eye contact as they spoke. Well done and BRAVO!!!

So what could possibly be my RANT regarding this thoughtful program by these exceptional teens? Well, rest assured, my RANT is not directed at any of the presenters or anyone in attendance that night, but rather is aimed straight at those not in attendance. Noticeably absent were the school board candidates who want my vote because of their dedication to the education of all Whitehall children.

For the record, I don’t care where you worship, if you have children, or how many years you have already served on the board. Actions speak louder than words and you did not show up! SO sad and disappointing that I will not cast my vote for any of you but rather will submit my name as a write-in candidate.

The sitting members of the School Board and the Superintendent were also among the many who did not show up for the fair. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe those holding these positions are responsible for the education of all of Whitehall’s school-age children including those children schooled at home. Aren’t you the least bit curious about their focus of study and the effort they put forth to learn independently? It was on display last Thursday night. SHAME ON YOU for not showing up!

Last but not least, where were the high school principal, high school history teacher(s), and the students from said history class(es) Perhaps you felt your curriculum had covered the Holocaust sufficiently. If so, where was your professional curiosity to experience another way of teaching/learning this extremely important event in world history? If you have not covered the Holocaust thoroughly, all the more reason to have been in attendance WITH your students. You have failed your classroom students and the nine teens who put on the Survivor/Rescuer Fair. Both groups deserve better.

The Holocaust book club continues to meet at the Library. Your librarian, Jeannie Ferriss, has assembled quite a broad collection of books, both fiction and nonfiction, geared to young adult and adult reading levels.

The worst parts of history WILL repeat itself if it is not taught and studied. The Holocaust should never be swept under the rug and forgotten.


Dorie Westhoven

Whitehall, Montana


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