Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


It is that time of year where you start to uncover the BBQ and clean off your deck. Everyone is looking for a new and exciting BBQ recipe. We had a reader, Alice, from New Jersey send in a recipe for rack of wombat. I had to Google what a wombat was, and they don't live in New Jersey. She wrote to me explaining that in 2000 to 2002 near Jackson there was a zoo. Every now and then an animal would escape. One year a wombat got out and Alice shot it thinking it was a big rat. New Jersey is known for their big rats. There are a lot of people that go hunting for them and eat them. After Alice shot the wombat and had it all skinned and in the fridge, she sat down for the night and turned on the TV. The zoo had a report about their missing wombat. Alice was thinking that looks like the rat I shot today and had to double-check. It was the wombat, and she was very upset that she shot him but was not going to tell anyone until now. Instead of burning the evidence, she thought it was a good idea to eat it.

Alice looked and looked through all her recipe books for the best way to cook the wombat but found nothing. Because she did not know what it tasted like she thought what goes good with everything BBQ sauce.


One Wombat

Your favorite BBQ sauce

4 corns on the cob


1. Cut out the wombat's ribs and let soak in your BBQ sauce.

2. Start up your BBQ and cook the rib and corn how you want.

Bon Appetit!!


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