Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 11/22/2023

Most animals have never burned the inside of their mouth.

Your phone is the only computer you own that you’d expect to work after being dropped so many times.

Your teeth are the only part of your skeleton that you can clean.

One of the biggest problems with good people is they don’t understand how evil bad people can be.

A lot of people think they like history but they actually like historical propaganda that confirms whatever they already believe.

Farts are food ghosts.

People in the past weren’t dumber, they just knew about fewer things.

It must have been fun when people were first naming all the different body parts.

Acquired taste is hilariously strange: ew, ew, ew... hmmm.... yum.

Most animals have never seen what their own face looks like.

At the rate the economy is going only polyamorous families will be able to afford raising children.

Message reactions have given people a better alternative to just not responding.

There is a chance, a near impossible one, that someone owns all the same clothes as you.

You’re more likely to die before you retire.

At some point, multiple people who were capable saw you in need of help and silently kept walking or scrolling.

There was a person who thought that telling 12-14-year-old children to just not do something (drugs, sex) was going to work.

A shortlist is generally longer than the final list.

Burgers and buns being round is very convenient for sliced tomatoes and onions.

Most microwaves go their entire lifetime without having all their buttons pushed.

Not one single cell in your human body knows that it’s a single-cell in a human body.

A milkshake is three separate forms of milk recombined.

There’s a world of difference between radio active and radioactive.

Conceding is not the same as giving up.

A good way to destroy your teeth is to locate them in your mouth.

Most people only commit horrible crimes once or twice in their life.


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