Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles written by jim buterbaugh

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  • The "Woke Cancel Culture" Racism, and Me

    Jim Buterbaugh, Op-Ed Writer|Mar 10, 2021

    This is not going to be sugar coated for the sake of the "woke". Growing up through the 60s and 70s, I have seen the struggles of what being a different color means. I witnessed what being of a different sexual orientation created. This was a time when real 'woke' people were working to rid our nation of the ugliness of racism. A time where people realized that being female didn't solely mean that you had to get married, have kids and meet the hubby at the door with his pipe, a drink, and his...

  • Let's Talk...Human Trafficking

    Jim Buterbaugh, Whitehall Ledger Contributing Writer|Mar 3, 2021

    Human trafficking, considered to be Modern Slavery, is defined as the illegal smuggling and trading of people for forced labor and sexual exploitation. The long official definition is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons by means of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, or abuse of power. It is reported that there are more victims of slavery today than at any other time in history. Human trafficking in the United States usually takes place along...

  • Let's Talk ... National Debt

    Jim Buterbaugh, Whitehall Ledger Contributing Writer|Jan 20, 2021

    For a few years I have watched our National Debt as it soared at a frightening rate, much like watching a teenager with a credit card. A basic description of our nation’s debt is what money our government has borrowed from sources, such as private investors, different federal agencies, and other nations. The ability to pay that back is a comparison of our gross domestic product (GDP) to debt ratio. Financial experts start to worry when a country’s debt reaches 77% of that country’s GDP. As they worry about that country’s ability to repay that d...

  • Letter to the Editor: Tell the Senate not to bail out the states

    Jim Buterbaugh|Jun 10, 2020

    Lawmakers in Washington are back at it again. As we speak, they’re debating whether they should send bailout money to the states. This is not the best path forward. Why? Because many states have mismanaged their budgets for years (well before this pandemic). When the first paycheck stimulus was created in the senate, the total bill was less than a trillion dollars, then the house got ahold of it and it ballooned to 2 trillion dollars. The latest stimulus plan will give 2 more trillion to states, states that have spent their citizen provided r...

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